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RealCare Baby & Empathy Belly Rentals

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RealCare Baby Rentals

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(Caucasian, African American, Hispanic, Asian, Japanese, or American Indian)

Pregnancy Profile Empathy Vest Rentals

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Pregnancy Simulator
Pregnancy Simulator Vest Rental
Instantly look and feel like an expectant mother!

Unique & Excellent opportunity

We offer our rental service to schools, organizations, classes, individual, and groups throughout the United States for them to take advantage of special rental sale offers and discounts. Please watch homeschoolbabies.com/special website for special offers and codes required, if any. Available to Alabama, AL, Montana, MT, Nebraska, NE, Arizona, AZ, Nevada, NV, Arkansas, AR, New Hampshire, NH, California, CA, New Jersey, NJ, Colorado, CO, New Mexico, NM, Connecticut, CT, New York, NY, Delaware, DE, North Carolina, NC, Iowa, IA, South Carolina, SC, Kansas, KS, South Dakota, SD, Florida, FL, North Dakota, ND, Georgia, GA, Ohio, OH, Oklahoma, OK, Idaho, ID, Oregon, OR, Illinois, IL, Pennsylvania, PA, Indiana, IN, Rhode Island, RI, Kentucky, KY, Tennessee, TN, Louisiana, LA, Texas, TX, Maine, ME, Utah, UT, Maryland, MD, Vermont, VT, Massachusetts, MA, WY, Virginia, VA, Michigan, MI, Washington, WA, Missouri, MO, Wyoming, Minnesota, MN, West Virginia, WV, Mississippi, MS, Wisconsin, WI.
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